Practice Updates
GET the JAB - Vaccine information
GET the JAB!
As we come into to Autumn, many vaccination campaigns begin.
Childrens Nasal Fl...
You can now call 111 if you are in mental health crisis!
111 have a new mental health crisis service.
If you find yourself in mental health crisis, you can now call 1...
We are a Domestic Abuse Aware Practice!
The Park Medical Centre is a Domestic Abuse Aware Practice.
If you are being hurt or controlled by your curre...
We will be starting a new RSV Vaccination campaign this Autumn.
Invites will be sent to elgibile patients over t...
AAA (Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm) Screening - It could save your life!
On Friday 30th August, we hosted Michelle and Lynne from the AAA Screening team to help improve access to this servic...
Why the Pertussis (Whooping Cough) Vaccination in Pregnancy is important - By Dr Shone our new GP Trainee
We are proud to be a Unified Learning Environment
At the Park Medical Centre, we are proud to be training the clinicians for the future.
We have ordered your free NHS flu vaccines and they are due to arrive in September. We a...
PATIENT UPDATE: New vaccine information
RSV vaccination programme starting this September
From 01st September, a new vaccination to protect again...
We can reduce our carbon impact by switching to greener inhalers!
As part of the NHS commitment to reducing its carbon footprint, we are trying to optimise the inhalers prescribed ...