Contraception and Smear Recall
Your Guide to Contraception is a comprehensive booklet designed to reflect Black, Asian and Ethnic Women’s, information needs, as access to information on contraception is key to support women make positive choices about their sexual health and reduce health inequalities. The booklet was developed taking into consideration the beliefs, concerns, cultural and religious perspectives of BAME women explored in different focus groups.
Available in English / Arabic / French / Ukrainian
Arabic and French were the languages chosen for this work as it reflects the language of Black African women that BHA work with who this piece of work was aimed at.
The guide was produced by BHA for Equality and funded by Manchester City Council and the Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership.
Your Guide to Contraception - English.pdf
Your Guide to Contraception - French.pdf
Why should I have a Smear?
Cervical screening is one of the best ways to protect yourself from cervical cancer. Cervical screening is not a test for cancer, it's a test to help prevent cancer. How cervical screening helps prevent cancer Cervical screening checks a sample of cells from your cervix for certain types of human papillomavirus (HPV).
These types of HPV can cause abnormal changes to the cells in your cervix and are called "high risk" types of HPV. If these types of HPV are found during screening (an HPV positive result), the sample of cells is then checked for abnormal changes. If abnormal cells are not treated, they may turn into cervical cancer.
Please look at the informational support in different languages:-
Arabic, Bengali, Chinese, French, Gujarati, Polish, Punjabi, Urdu
You can find more information by clicking here